#2020WithFlipkart: Play our special End-Of-Year contest and win big!

Send in your entries for #2020WithFlipkart and stand a chance to win Flipkart Electronic Gift Vouchers

The year 2020 will go down as the year of unprecedented events. A pandemic swept over the world, entire nations went into lockdown, masks on faces became the norm and staying home was one of the best ways to fight the coronavirus.

Earlier this year, as we all stayed indoors, we asked you, our customers, to share your #StayHomeWithFlipkart stories — stories about how Flipkart and e-commerce helped you stay safe indoors and get uninterrupted access to everything you needed. It warmed our hearts to see that e-commerce ensured safe access to your needs and helped our customers stay safe and indoors.

We want to continue that positivity as the year ends with a brand-new contest.

Chances are that you shopped for a product on Flipkart that helped you adapt to the new normal amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It could be anything — from a chair to complete your very own Work From Home station, books to keep you company, or even a gaming console to help you unwind at the end of a stressful day. If something you shopped for on Flipkart — essentials or otherwise — helped you adapt to the changing times amid the pandemic, send in your entries and stand a chance to win a Flipkart EGV worth INR 500!

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Think of anything you purchased on Flipkart in 2020 that helped you adapt to 2020!
  • Read the contest Terms and Conditions. You can find it below.
  • Take a picture or a video with the product(s) and finish the sentence below in your caption for the image you have clicked:
  • “In 2020, shopping for _____________ on Flipkart helped me __________________.”
  • Here’s a clue: Think about how a product(s) and shopping online helped you keep your calm, manage your stress, find your zen, stay safe or even feel a sense of normalcy!
  • Send in your entries by posting on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #2020WithFlipkart

Went through the steps above? Great! You stand a chance to win Flipkart Gift Vouchers worth INR 500. Send in your entries for #2020WithFlipkart and stay tuned!

But first, read the Terms and Conditions below:

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Enjoy shopping on Flipkart