Update: Flipkart resumes CoD payments up to any amount

Update: Flipkart has resumed cash-on-delivery (CoD payments) fully up to any amount. As the government announced demonetization, Flipkart proactively reached out to its customers whose orders were in flight to educate them and offer additional time to procure cash. Flipkart took the initiative to provide every possible facility for a smooth and seamless order processing. We significantly ramped up our card-on-delivery facility and covered the majority of PIN codes, also reaching remote towns. The government’s decision has given a big push to the adoption of digital instruments such as wallets and UPI. In the last few days, we witnessed a lot of movement towards electronic transactions and we expect the economy to further support this change. To encourage customers to adopt other payment modes, we also introduced wallet cash-backs, which are being actively used by multiple sellers and brands.

On the night of November 8, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a slew of steps to curb black money and counterfeit currency. Flipkart supports the government’s bold move. With immediate effect, we shall no longer accept CoD payments (Cash-on-Delivery) in old ₹500 and ₹1000 currency notes, which have been declared as invalid by the Reserve Bank of India. New ₹500 notes issued by the Reserve Bank of India after November 10, 2016 will be accepted after they become available.

Have you already placed an order with CoD as your payment mode? No need to worry. You are encouraged to opt for card-on-delivery if this payment option is available at your location, or keep change ready in denominations other than ₹500 and ₹1000 currency notes.

For your future orders, we urge you to opt for alternative payment modes such as internet banking, credit and debit cards, gift cards, and PhonePe, our easy and convenient UPI and wallet payments solution (Android users can download the PhonePe app by clicking here).

Switching away from the CoD payments option is recommended for other reasons, too. Attractive financing plans such as No Cost EMI are available only on purchases made via non-cash payment methods.

We understand that this sudden change of process may cause our customers some discomfort and inconvenience in the short term. However, in the long run, we believe that it is a necessary step and one that will help India stride confidently towards a digital payments economy.

Enjoy shopping on Flipkart