It’s a testing time for e-commerce in India. At Flipkart, our supply chain has been stepping up its preparedness in the wake of the national health emergency caused by the outbreak of COVID-19. Even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded the contribution of those delivering essential services and the central government directed e-commerce to be exempt from prohibitory orders, Flipkart’s wishmasters across the country are following every safety precaution to maintain hygiene and keep infection at bay. In the midst of their busier-than-usual schedules, wishmasters from across the country sent us these messages to share with you.
Palash Haldar, Wishmaster from Murshidabad, West Bengal, sends this message in Bangla:
My name is Palash Halder. I have been a Wishmaster at Flipkart’s Murshidabad hub for four years. I am proud and happy to be in this role with Flipkart. Amid the ongoing situation around Coronavirus, Flipkart has taken several preventive steps including the starting of awareness programs at our office. Hand sanitizers and hand washes are a must in the office along with everyone wearing a mask. In case if anyone feels unwell, the hub-in charge advises him to take leave and rest at home. The management also follow up on their health and keep a track of the symptoms.
To ensure our good health and well-being, we are made aware of the areas impacted by COVID-19 and advised against travelling there along with taking due precautions in the delivery process. We have certainly seen a change in the way we deliver in the ongoing situation as more and more customers are relying on us for their daily household requirements. They have been extremely appreciative of our service and often express their gratitude.
On behalf of Flipkart I would like to share the message that we need to fight dangerous diseases together, hand-in-hand, to keep everyone safe and healthy. Awareness is key to leading a healthy life. It is our social responsibility, which we are fulfilling now and will continue to do so.
We thank Flipkart for guiding us and giving us the right information, including social distancing while delivering. We are following their guidelines diligently and are proud of our role.
Stay safe and be well. Thank you.
Dilip Kumar Mahto, Flipkart wishmaster at Saran hub in Bihar, sent us this message in Bhojpuri:
We assure our customers of our services, keeping at the forefront our Value of “Customer First”. We reassure you that we at Flipkart are taking all precautions like the use of hand sanitizers and face masks.
Dipankar Nath, Flipkart Wishmaster from Goalpara, Assam, sends this message in Assamese:
We at Flipkart care for you all. We salute the services of everyone delivering not just delight, but also awareness on safety during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Kiran Benny Koshy, Wishmaster from Ernakulam, Kerala, sends this message in Malayalam:
Greetings to all! My name is Kiran Benny Koshy. I’m speaking to you from Kakkanad hub in Ernakulam district, Kerala. I will share some information about Coronavirus, and about the measures that Flipkart has taken to keep employees safe from the virus.
First of all, I assure you that when we come to customers, we do so after sanitizing our hands. We sanitize our hands both while entering and exiting the delivery hubs. I want to assure you that there is adequate supply of sanitizer at our hubs for all employees. Our hub-in-charges (HIs) and trainers (TLs) continuously remind us to follow these precautions. So, when we come to you, we don’t come bearing a virus. Rather, we come bearing Flipkart packages that will bring you happiness.
Second thing: At every morning huddle, our supervisors tell us how not to be affected by Coronavirus. They also advise us on how to take precautions should we have to visit an affected area. Our supervisors give us specific information to help us.
Our hub has always been one that gives importance to cleanliness. We have only improved on our cleanliness since the Coronavirus outbreak, giving importance to housekeeping and restroom maintenance, along with ensuring that we use sanitizers and hand wash. Not just that, all of us ensure that the premises are clean.
Flipkart has taken several measures for staff like us. We are advised to wear masks while going out to make deliveries and to avoid shaking hands. I made this video to extend my big congratulations to our customers, my colleagues, superiors and everyone at Flipkart for standing behind us at all times. A big thank you!
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While we take precautions to stay safe from #COVID19, delivery executives are still out there making our lives better. Let's express our gratitude to these heroes. Share your stories of greeting delivery executives with positivity and kindness!
Use hashtag #SmileForASmile
— Flipkart Stories (@FlipkartStories) March 21, 2020