As Krunal Shah was shopping for his wife during a Flipkart fashion sale, Wishmaster Prajakta Bandu Bhadale was beginning her first stint with Flipkart’s delivery team. In a few days’ time, she would deliver the order that Krunal had placed for his wife to their home in Pune. For Krunal, who was surprised to see a Flipkart woman Wishmaster at the door, the experience left a lasting impression.
“When my doorbell rang, I was surprised to see a woman delivering my order,” he recalls. “She was very enthusiastic, and I had a feeling of pride to see the equal opportunity.” The short encounter left the software engineer so impressed that he took to social media to share his feedback.
“It’s great that Flipkart is giving such opportunities,” he says. “The lady who delivered our order was polite and professional — she delivered the order and completed the formalities on her mobile application.”
Inclusion and Diversity are core to Flipkart’s values. Our policies, ethos and infrastructure enable equal opportunity and ensure that our employees are empowered. Our women Wishmasters are an integral part of our diverse workforce.
Dreams and determination: Wishmaster Prajakta’s incredible story
Every morning, Prajakta Bandu Bhadale, who lives in Pune with her mother and younger sister, hops on her scooter in her eKart uniform and delivers orders to customers in the Baner Road area.
“I had been searching for a job for sometime,” she recalls. She heard about the opening for a Wishmaster at Flipkart from her father’s friend. Along with working with Flipkart, Prajakta is also pursuing her studies and is currently in the third year of her B.Com degree. “We can choose the timings for the classes we want to attend,” she says. “So I deliver Flipkart orders in the morning, and attend my classes in the evening.”
Prajakta’s mother is part of the support staff at Corporation Bank and her father passed away 16 years ago. “This job helps me and my mother run the house and ensures that my younger sister continues with school. It’s been good financially. And when people compliment my efforts, it’s a great feeling!” she says.
For customer Krunal, it was also his own experiences that fueled his appreciation for Prajakta’s work ethic. “Even when I was in school, I was doing a job along with my studies. I too have gone through a lot of hardships and struggles in life, ” he explains. Krunal, who won a gold medal from Gujarat University and graduated with a master’s degree from Symbiosis International University, Pune, is now a tech expert who develops websites and mobile apps.
When Prajakta took up the job offer, she had thought that she’d only stick around if she liked the work and the environment. Now, she says, she’s begun to feel a sense of fulfillment. “This is my first job and I feel appreciated here. During training, my colleagues were so friendly. I also like the fact that customers appreciated what I was doing. I have decided to continue on as a Wishmaster and I would definitely want to move forward and make a career here.”
Also read: #WomenAtFlipkart: In Kolkata, a woman Wishmaster inspires our customer to write in!